Pacific Nations Cup
Samoa vs USA

  • Time Sat, Sep 21, 2024, 7:00 AM
  • Location Hanazono Rugby Stadium
  • Referee Ben O'Keeffe
  • Nanai76'
  • Petelo-Mapu41'
  • Fricker6'
  • Iona42'
  • Carty7'
  • Iona31'
  • Iona14'
Penalty Goals
  • Carty52'
  • Carty4'
34Defenders Beaten11
7Clean Breaks3
17Turnovers Conceded11
11Missed Tackles34
9Turnovers Won6
19Kicks in Play17
2/3Penalty Goals2/3
N/ADrop GoalsN/A
1Charged Down0
598Kick From Hand Metres525
16In Touch13
7Opponent Collection9
25Possession Lost23
2Possession Retained1
91Rucks Won56
2Rucks Lost4
97%Rucks Success Rate93%
3Mauls Won1
Set Plays
15Lineouts Won11
1Lineouts Lost3
93%Lineouts Success Rate78%
10Scrums Won5
0Scrums Lost2
100%Scrums Success Rate71%
57%First Half42%
61%Second Half39%
61%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins39%
10Penalties Conceded13
0Red Cards0
0Yellow Cards1
4Penalty Conceded Own Half9
Aki Seiuli
1Aki Seiuli
Jake Turnbull
1Jake Turnbull
Sama Malolo
2Sama Malolo
Kapeli Pifeleti
2Kapeli Pifeleti
Marco Fepulea'i
3Marco Fepulea'i
Alex Maughan
3Alex Maughan
Ben Nee Nee
4Ben Nee Nee
Jason Damm
4Jason Damm
Michael Curry
5Michael Curry
Greg Peterson
5Greg Peterson (C)
Theo McFarland
6Theo McFarland (C)
Paddy Ryan
6Paddy Ryan
Izaiha Moore-Aiono
7Izaiha Moore-Aiono
Cory Daniel
7Cory Daniel
Iakopo Petelo-Mapu
8Iakopo Petelo-Mapu
Jamason Fa'anana-Schultz
8Jamason Fa'anana-Schultz
Melani Matavao
9Melani Matavao
Juan Philip Smith
9Juan Philip Smith
Rodney Iona
10Rodney Iona
Luke Carty
10Luke Carty
Elisapeta Alofipo
11Elisapeta Alofipo
Mitch Wilson
11Mitch Wilson
Alapati Leiua
12Alapati Leiua
Tommaso Boni
12Tommaso Boni
Lalomilo Lalomilo
13Lalomilo Lalomilo
Dominic Besag
13Dominic Besag
Tuna Tuitama
14Tuna Tuitama
Conner Mooneyham
14Conner Mooneyham
Tomasi Alosio
15Tomasi Alosio
Toby Fricker
15Toby Fricker
Luteru Tolai
16Luteru Tolai
Sean McNulty
16Sean McNulty
Andrew Tuala
17Andrew Tuala
Payton Telea
17Payton Telea
Brook Toomalatai
18Brook Toomalatai
Pono Davis
18Pono Davis
Samuel Slade
19Samuel Slade
Thomas Tu'avao
19Thomas Tu'avao
Jonah Mau'u
20Jonah Mau'u
Moni Tongauiha
20Moni Tongauiha
Danny Tusitala
21Danny Tusitala
Vili Helu
21Vili Helu
Afa Moleli
22Afa Moleli
Ethan McVeigh
22Ethan McVeigh
Melani Nanai
23Melani Nanai
Rand Santos
23Rand Santos
Mahonri Schwalger
Scott Lawrence
80End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
78Substitution onBrook Toomalatai comes on.
78Substitution offMarco Fepulea'i comes off.
78Substitution onRand Santos comes on.
78Substitution offMitch Wilson comes off.
78Conversion - Dropped ShortRodney Iona will not be happy with that conversion attempt, as they had the direction but not the power.
76Try - Passing MoveA wonderful passing move by Samoa is finished off by Melani Nanai
76Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Melani Nanai bursts through to advance the Samoa attack.
76Try AssistSpellbinding play by Afa Moleli is finished off with a try.
75Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Jonah Mau'u bursts through to advance the Samoa attack.
71Yellow cardJason Damm (USA) is shown a yellow card
71Substitution onSamoa decide to make a substitution, with Afa Moleli getting some game time.
71Substitution offSamoa decide to make a substitution, with Lalomilo Lalomilo being replaced.
69Penalty Goal - Missed LeftThe touch judges have waved away the attempt by Rodney Iona as they hook it left.
63Substitution onUSA sub Sean McNulty comes onto the field.
63Substitution offKapeli Pifeleti departs for USA.
63Substitution onUSA sub Vili Helu comes onto the field.
63Substitution offGreg Peterson departs for USA.
63Substitution onUSA sub Payton Telea comes onto the field.
63Substitution offJake Turnbull departs for USA.
61Substitution onSamoa sub Danny Tusitala comes onto the field.
61Substitution offMelani Matavao departs for Samoa.
61Substitution onSamoa sub Andrew Tuala comes onto the field.
61Substitution offAki Seiuli departs for Samoa.
59Substitution onThomas Tu'avao comes on for USA.
59Substitution offJamason Fa'anana-Schultz leaves the field.
57Substitution onMoni Tongauiha comes on for USA.
57Substitution offCory Daniel leaves the field.
57Substitution onLuteru Tolai comes on for Samoa.
57Substitution offSama Malolo leaves the field.
57Substitution onJonah Mau'u comes on for Samoa.
57Substitution offIzaiha Moore-Aiono leaves the field.
52Penalty Goal - KickedLuke Carty does the business as their penalty goal attempt goes over.
49Substitution onUSA decide to make a substitution, with Pono Davis getting some game time.
49Substitution offUSA decide to make a substitution, with Alex Maughan being replaced.
46Substitution onSamoa decide to make a substitution, with Samuel Slade getting some game time.
46Substitution offSamoa decide to make a substitution, with Michael Curry being replaced.
42Conversion - KickedRodney Iona adds the two points for Samoa.
41Try - Individual effortWhat an effort there by Iakopo Petelo-Mapu as they score the try.
41Clean BreakFabulous play by Samoa has led to Iakopo Petelo-Mapu being able to wriggle through a gap.
41Try AssistRodney Iona played a key part in that try.
40Substitution onSamoa make a substitution with Melani Nanai coming on.
40Substitution offSamoa make a substitution with Alapati Leiua coming off.
40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
41End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
38Penalty Goal - Missed RightJuan Philip Smith has penalty kick attempt at goal but pushes it to the right hand side of the posts.
33Clean BreakFabulous play by Samoa has led to Tuna Tuitama being able to wriggle through a gap.
33Clean BreakFabulous play by Samoa has led to Elisapeta Alofipo being able to wriggle through a gap.
31Penalty Goal - KickedThe Samoa supporters go wild as Rodney Iona successfully kicks the penalty goal.
14Penalty Goal - KickedRodney Iona makes no mistake with that penalty goal attempt.
11Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Tomasi Alosio took full advantage.
8Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Conner Mooneyham took full advantage.
7Conversion - KickedLuke Carty has kicked a conversion.
6Try - Individual effortA stunning solo try from Toby Fricker
6Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Toby Fricker goes through the gap.
4Penalty Goal - KickedLuke Carty has kicked a penalty goal.
3Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Mitch Wilson goes through the gap.
1Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Lalomilo Lalomilo goes through the gap.
0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.