USA vs Uruguay

  • Time Sun, Oct 3, 2021, 12:00 AM
  • Location Infinity Park
  • Referee Frank Murphy
  • Kruse49'
  • Dyer38'
  • Dolan19'
  • Pujadas77'
  • Magie39'
  • Magie20'
  • Berchesi78'
    Penalty Goals
    • Berchesi69'
    • Berchesi62'
    • Berchesi8'
    11Defenders Beaten13
    2Clean Breaks2
    8Turnovers Conceded13
    13Missed Tackles11
    6Turnovers Won2
    25Kicks in Play25
    0/1Penalty Goals3/3
    N/ADrop GoalsN/A
    1Charged Down1
    924Kick From Hand Metres807
    17In Touch12
    7Opponent Collection14
    23Possession Lost21
    0Possession Retained2
    40Rucks Won76
    5Rucks Lost4
    88%Rucks Success Rate95%
    4Mauls Won7
    Set Plays
    10Lineouts Won17
    0Lineouts Lost0
    100%Lineouts Success Rate100%
    8Scrums Won7
    0Scrums Lost0
    100%Scrums Success Rate100%
    41%First Half59%
    39%Second Half61%
    23%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins77%
    13Penalties Conceded9
    0Red Cards0
    0Yellow Cards0
    6Penalty Conceded Own Half1
    David Ainu'u
    1David Ainu'u
    Mateo Sanguinetti
    1Mateo Sanguinetti
    Kapeli Pifeleti
    2Kapeli Pifeleti
    Facundo Gattas
    2Facundo Gattas
    Joe Taufete'e
    3Joe Taufete'e
    Diego Arbelo
    3Diego Arbelo
    Nate Brakeley
    4Nate Brakeley
    Ignacio Dotti
    4Ignacio Dotti
    Nick Civetta
    5Nick Civetta
    Manuel Leindekar
    5Manuel Leindekar
    Hanco Germishuys
    6Hanco Germishuys
    Manuel Ardao
    6Manuel Ardao
    Andrew Guerra
    7Andrew Guerra
    Santiago Civetta
    7Santiago Civetta
    Cam Dolan
    8Cam Dolan
    Manuel Diana
    8Manuel Diana
    Ruben de Haas
    9Ruben de Haas
    Santiago Arata
    9Santiago Arata
    Will Magie
    10Will Magie
    Felipe Berchesi
    10Felipe Berchesi
    Mika Kruse
    11Mika Kruse
    Gaston Mieres
    11Gaston Mieres
    Bryce Campbell
    12Bryce Campbell (C)
    Andres Vilaseca
    12Andres Vilaseca
    Tavite Lopeti
    13Tavite Lopeti
    Nicolas Freitas
    13Nicolas Freitas
    Christian Dyer
    14Christian Dyer
    Rodrigo Silva
    14Rodrigo Silva
    Marcel Brache
    15Marcel Brache
    Felipe Etcheverry
    15Felipe Etcheverry
    Dylan Fawsitt
    16Dylan Fawsitt
    Guillermo Pujadas
    16Guillermo Pujadas
    Matthew Harmon
    17Matthew Harmon
    *Juan Echeverria
    17*Juan Echeverria
    Paul Mullen
    18Paul Mullen
    Matias Benitez
    18Matias Benitez
    Greg Peterson
    19Greg Peterson
    Diego Magno
    19Diego Magno
    Moni Tonga’uiha
    20Moni Tonga’uiha
    Eric Dosantos
    20Eric Dosantos
    Nate Augspurger
    21Nate Augspurger
    Tomas Inciarte
    21Tomas Inciarte
    Luke Carty
    22Luke Carty
    Federico Favaro
    22Federico Favaro
    Will Hooley
    23Will Hooley
    Felipe Arcos Perez
    23Felipe Arcos Perez
    Scott Lawrence
    Rodolfo Ambrosio
    82End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
    78Conversion - KickedFelipe Berchesi has kicked a conversion.
    77Try - Close rangeUruguay are stopped just a few metres from the try line but Guillermo Pujadas picks up from the base of the ruck to score the try.
    76Substitution onMatthew Harmon comes on.
    76Substitution offDavid Ainu'u comes off.
    75Substitution onMoni Tonga’uiha comes on.
    75Substitution offCam Dolan comes off.
    73Penalty Goal - Hit Right PostThe penalty attempt by Luke Carty has rebounded off the left post and back into play.
    71Substitution onUSA decide to make a substitution, with Dylan Fawsitt getting some game time.
    71Substitution offUSA decide to make a substitution, with Kapeli Pifeleti being replaced.
    71Substitution onUSA decide to make a substitution, with Luke Carty getting some game time.
    71Substitution offUSA decide to make a substitution, with Will Magie being replaced.
    69Substitution onUruguay make a substitution with Felipe Arcos Perez coming on.
    69Substitution offUruguay make a substitution with Felipe Etcheverry coming off.
    69Penalty Goal - KickedThe Uruguay supporters go wild as Felipe Berchesi successfully kicks the penalty goal.
    64Substitution onUruguay sub Matias Benitez comes onto the field.
    64Substitution offMateo Sanguinetti departs for Uruguay.
    64Substitution onUruguay sub Diego Magno comes onto the field.
    64Substitution offIgnacio Dotti departs for Uruguay.
    64Substitution onUruguay sub Guillermo Pujadas comes onto the field.
    64Substitution offFacundo Gattas departs for Uruguay.
    64Substitution onUSA sub Nate Augspurger comes onto the field.
    64Substitution offRuben de Haas departs for USA.
    62Penalty Goal - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Felipe Berchesi kicks the penalty goal.
    59Substitution onTomas Inciarte comes on for Uruguay.
    59Substitution offSantiago Arata leaves the field.
    59Substitution on*Juan Echeverria comes on for Uruguay.
    59Substitution offDiego Arbelo leaves the field.
    59Substitution onGreg Peterson comes on for USA.
    59Substitution offNate Brakeley leaves the field.
    56Substitution onEric Dosantos comes on for Uruguay.
    56Substitution offManuel Diana leaves the field.
    51Substitution onPaul Mullen comes on.
    51Substitution offJoe Taufete'e comes off.
    50Substitution onFederico Favaro comes on.
    50Substitution offRodrigo Silva comes off.
    50Substitution onWill Hooley comes on.
    50Substitution offMika Kruse comes off.
    50Conversion - Missed LeftWill Magie has hooked the conversion to the left of the posts.
    49Try - Passing MoveSlick passing by USA leads to a try for Mika Kruse.
    49Try AssistMarcel Brache sets up the try.
    40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
    40End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
    39Conversion - KickedWill Magie does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
    38Try - Passing MoveIncisive passing by USA is finished off by Christian Dyer, as they goes over for the try.
    38Clean BreakFabulous play by USA has led to Christian Dyer being able to wriggle through a gap.
    38Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Tavite Lopeti.
    22Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Santiago Arata bursts through to advance the Uruguay attack.
    20Conversion - KickedWill Magie makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
    19Try - Passing MoveA wonderful passing move by USA is finished off by Cam Dolan
    19Try AssistKapeli Pifeleti sets up the try.
    18Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Hanco Germishuys bursts through to advance the USA attack.
    8Penalty Goal - KickedFelipe Berchesi kicks the penalty.
    4Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Gaston Mieres goes through the gap.
    0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.