USA vs Portugal

  • Time Fri, Nov 18, 2022, 3:30 PM
  • Location The Sevens
  • Referee Paul Williams
  • Pifeleti59'
  • Storti8'
  • MacGinty59'
  • Marques9'
  • MacGinty39'
  • MacGinty21'
  • MacGinty2'
Penalty Goals
  • Marques81'
  • Marques49'
  • Marques36'
6Defenders Beaten22
0Clean Breaks4
13Turnovers Conceded13
22Missed Tackles6
3Turnovers Won4
35Kicks in Play30
3/4Penalty Goals3/5
N/ADrop Goals0/1
1Charged Down1
934Kick From Hand Metres917
18In Touch9
16Opponent Collection20
34Possession Lost29
5Possession Retained4
67Rucks Won47
3Rucks Lost1
95%Rucks Success Rate97%
6Mauls Won4
Set Plays
11Lineouts Won13
2Lineouts Lost4
84%Lineouts Success Rate76%
6Scrums Won5
1Scrums Lost1
85%Scrums Success Rate83%
56%First Half43%
50%Second Half50%
48%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins52%
10Penalties Conceded11
0Red Cards0
1Yellow Cards2
6Penalty Conceded Own Half7
David Ainu'u
1David Ainu'u
Francisco Fernandes
1Francisco Fernandes
Kapeli Pifeleti
2Kapeli Pifeleti
Mike Tadjer
2Mike Tadjer
Paul Mullen
3Paul Mullen
Diogo Hasse Ferreira
3Diogo Hasse Ferreira
Greg Peterson
4Greg Peterson
Steevy Cerqueira
4Steevy Cerqueira
Cam Dolan
5Cam Dolan
Jose Madeira
5Jose Madeira
Vili Helu
6Vili Helu
Joao Granate
6Joao Granate
Cory Daniel
7Cory Daniel
Rafael Simoes
7Rafael Simoes
Jamason Fa'anana-Schultz
8Jamason Fa'anana-Schultz
Thibault de Freitas
8Thibault de Freitas
Ruben de Haas
9Ruben de Haas
Samuel Marques
9Samuel Marques
AJ MacGinty
10AJ MacGinty (C)
Jeronimo Portela
10Jeronimo Portela
Nate Augspurger
11Nate Augspurger
Rodrigo Marta
11Rodrigo Marta
Paul Lasike
12Paul Lasike
Tomas Appleton
12Tomas Appleton
Bryce Campbell
13Bryce Campbell
Jose Lima
13Jose Lima
Christian Dyer
14Christian Dyer
Raffaele Storti
14Raffaele Storti
Mitch Wilson
15Mitch Wilson
Nuno Sousa Guedes
15Nuno Sousa Guedes
Mike Sosene-Feagai
16Mike Sosene-Feagai
David Costa
16David Costa
Jack Iscaro
17Jack Iscaro
Lionel Campergue
17Lionel Campergue
Nathan Sylvia
18Nathan Sylvia
Antonio Prim
18Antonio Prim
Benja Bonassoa
19Benja Bonassoa
Jose Rebelo de Andrade
19Jose Rebelo de Andrade
Moni Tonga'uiha
20Moni Tonga'uiha
Nicolas Martins
20Nicolas Martins
Chris Mattina
21Chris Mattina
Pedro Lucas
21Pedro Lucas
Luke Carty
22Luke Carty
Vincent Pinto
22Vincent Pinto
Tavite Lopeti
23Tavite Lopeti
Simao Bento
23Simao Bento
Scott Lawrence
Simon Mannix
81End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
81Penalty Goal - KickedSamuel Marques makes no mistake with that penalty goal attempt.
80Drop Goal - Hit Right PostFortune does not favour the brave in this case, as Jeronimo Portela hits the right upright with their drop goal attempt.
78Substitution onNathan Sylvia comes on.
78Substitution offDavid Ainu'u comes off.
77Substitution onJose Rebelo de Andrade comes on.
77Substitution offSteevy Cerqueira comes off.
76Substitution onSimao Bento comes on.
76Substitution offNuno Sousa Guedes comes off.
75Substitution onMoni Tonga'uiha comes on.
75Substitution offJamason Fa'anana-Schultz comes off.
70Substitution onPortugal decide to make a substitution, with Lionel Campergue getting some game time.
70Substitution offPortugal decide to make a substitution, with Mike Tadjer being replaced.
70Substitution onPortugal decide to make a substitution, with Antonio Prim getting some game time.
70Substitution offPortugal decide to make a substitution, with Diogo Hasse Ferreira being replaced.
70Substitution onPortugal decide to make a substitution, with Raffaele Storti getting some game time.
70Substitution offPortugal decide to make a substitution, with David Costa being replaced.
64Substitution onUSA sub Mike Sosene-Feagai comes onto the field.
64Substitution offKapeli Pifeleti departs for USA.
64Substitution onUSA sub Jack Iscaro comes onto the field.
64Substitution offPaul Mullen departs for USA.
64Substitution onPortugal sub Nicolas Martins comes onto the field.
64Substitution offThibault de Freitas departs for Portugal.
62Substitution onPortugal sub David Costa comes onto the field.
62Substitution offRaffaele Storti departs for Portugal.
59Substitution onVincent Pinto comes on for Portugal.
59Substitution offJose Lima leaves the field.
59Conversion - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as AJ MacGinty kicks the conversion.
59Try - Close rangeUSA are only a few metres out, surely they must score! And they do with Kapeli Pifeleti touching down.
59Try AssistRuben de Haas played a key part in that try.
58Yellow cardFrancisco Fernandes (Portugal) is shown a yellow card
52Penalty Goal - Missed LeftSamuel Marques steps up to take the penalty but pulls it wide and to the left.
49Penalty Goal - KickedSamuel Marques makes no mistake with that penalty goal attempt.
46Substitution onUSA decide to make a substitution, with Benja Bonassoa getting some game time.
46Substitution offUSA decide to make a substitution, with Vili Helu being replaced.
46Penalty Goal - Missed RightSamuel Marques steps up to take the penalty but pulls it wide and to the right.
44Clean BreakTomas Appleton makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
42Clean BreakRodrigo Marta makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
40End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
39Penalty Goal - KickedAJ MacGinty has kicked a penalty goal.
36Penalty Goal - KickedSamuel Marques has kicked a penalty goal.
29Penalty Goal - Missed RightAJ MacGinty takes the penalty but the ball didn't come round, staying right of the posts.
21Penalty Goal - KickedAJ MacGinty adds the points for USA.
20Yellow cardJose Lima (Portugal) is shown a yellow card
9Conversion - KickedSamuel Marques has kicked a conversion.
8Try - Passing MoveGreat hands by Portugal leads to a try for Raffaele Storti
7Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Raffaele Storti goes through the gap.
7Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Nuno Sousa Guedes.
4Yellow cardNate Augspurger (USA) is shown a yellow card
4Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Nuno Sousa Guedes goes through the gap.
2Penalty Goal - KickedAJ MacGinty has kicked a penalty goal.
0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.