Georgia vs USA

  • Time Sat, Aug 19, 2023, 3:00 PM
  • Location Mikheil Meskhi Stadium
  • Referee Jaco Peyper
  • Niniashvili45'
  • Mamukashvili27'
  • Tabutsadze10'
  • de30'
  • Matkava46'
  • Matkava28'
  • Carty32'
  • Matkava60'
Penalty Goals
    25Defenders Beaten16
    3Clean Breaks1
    14Turnovers Conceded9
    16Missed Tackles25
    7Turnovers Won4
    33Kicks in Play32
    1/1Penalty GoalsN/A
    N/ADrop GoalsN/A
    1Charged Down1
    1150Kick From Hand Metres1135
    17In Touch16
    25Opponent Collection20
    41Possession Lost35
    2Possession Retained4
    54Rucks Won102
    0Rucks Lost5
    100%Rucks Success Rate95%
    10Mauls Won4
    Set Plays
    18Lineouts Won11
    2Lineouts Lost1
    90%Lineouts Success Rate91%
    6Scrums Won8
    0Scrums Lost0
    100%Scrums Success Rate100%
    49%First Half51%
    43%Second Half56%
    32%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins68%
    8Penalties Conceded15
    0Red Cards0
    1Yellow Cards1
    3Penalty Conceded Own Half9
    Nika Abuladze
    1Nika Abuladze
    Jack Iscaro
    1Jack Iscaro
    Shalva Mamukashvili
    2Shalva Mamukashvili
    Dylan Fawsitt
    2Dylan Fawsitt
    Beka Gigashvili
    3Beka Gigashvili
    Kaleb Geiger
    3Kaleb Geiger
    Nodar Cheishvili
    4Nodar Cheishvili
    Sam Golla
    4Sam Golla
    Konstantine Mikautadze
    5Konstantine Mikautadze
    Greg Peterson
    5Greg Peterson
    Luka Ivanishvili
    6Luka Ivanishvili
    Cam Dolan
    6Cam Dolan
    Giorgi Tsutskiridze
    7Giorgi Tsutskiridze
    Paddy Ryan
    7Paddy Ryan
    Tornike Jalagonia
    8Tornike Jalagonia
    Thomas Tu’avao
    8Thomas Tu’avao
    Vasil Lobzhanidze
    9Vasil Lobzhanidze
    Ruben de Haas
    9Ruben de Haas
    Luka Matkava
    10Luka Matkava
    Luke Carty
    10Luke Carty
    Sandro Todua
    11Sandro Todua
    Nate Augspurger
    11Nate Augspurger
    Merab Sharikadze
    12Merab Sharikadze (C)
    Tommaso Boni
    12Tommaso Boni
    Giorgi Kveseladze
    13Giorgi Kveseladze
    Tavite Lopeti
    13Tavite Lopeti
    Aka Tabutsadze
    14Aka Tabutsadze
    Christian Dyer
    14Christian Dyer
    Davit Niniashvili
    15Davit Niniashvili
    Chris Mattina
    15Chris Mattina
    Tengiz Zamtaradze
    16Tengiz Zamtaradze
    Peter Malcolm
    16Peter Malcolm
    Guram Gogichashvili
    17Guram Gogichashvili
    Jake Turnbull
    17Jake Turnbull
    Guram Papidze
    18Guram Papidze
    Paul Mullen
    18Paul Mullen
    Lado Chachanidze
    19Lado Chachanidze
    Nate Brakeley
    19Nate Brakeley
    Otar Giorgadze
    20Otar Giorgadze
    Luke White
    20Luke White
    Gela Aprasidze
    21Gela Aprasidze
    Nick McCarthy
    21Nick McCarthy
    Demur Tapladze
    22Demur Tapladze
    Dominic Besag
    22Dominic Besag
    Mirian Modebadze
    23Mirian Modebadze
    Lauina Futi
    23Lauina Futi
    Richard Cockerill
    Scott Lawrence
    81End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
    76Yellow cardNate Augspurger (USA) is shown a yellow card
    76Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Guram Gogichashvili bursts through to advance the Georgia attack.
    73Substitution onUSA decide to make a substitution, with Lauina Futi getting some game time.
    73Substitution offUSA decide to make a substitution, with Christian Dyer being replaced.
    70Substitution onGeorgia decide to make a substitution, with Mirian Modebadze getting some game time.
    70Substitution offGeorgia decide to make a substitution, with Davit Niniashvili being replaced.
    68Substitution onUSA make a substitution with Nate Brakeley coming on.
    68Substitution offUSA make a substitution with Greg Peterson coming off.
    67Substitution onGeorgia make a substitution with Otar Giorgadze coming on.
    67Substitution offGeorgia make a substitution with Luka Ivanishvili coming off.
    67Substitution onUSA make a substitution with Peter Malcolm coming on.
    67Substitution offUSA make a substitution with Dylan Fawsitt coming off.
    67Substitution onUSA make a substitution with Jake Turnbull coming on.
    67Substitution offUSA make a substitution with Jack Iscaro coming off.
    63Substitution onGeorgia sub Demur Tapladze comes onto the field.
    63Substitution offSandro Todua departs for Georgia.
    60Substitution onGeorgia sub Lado Chachanidze comes onto the field.
    60Substitution offKonstantine Mikautadze departs for Georgia.
    60Substitution onGeorgia sub Gela Aprasidze comes onto the field.
    60Substitution offVasil Lobzhanidze departs for Georgia.
    60Penalty Goal - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Luka Matkava kicks the penalty goal.
    54Substitution onGuram Papidze comes on.
    54Substitution offBeka Gigashvili comes off.
    54Substitution onTengiz Zamtaradze comes on.
    54Substitution offShalva Mamukashvili comes off.
    50Substitution onGuram Gogichashvili comes on.
    50Substitution offNika Abuladze comes off.
    46Substitution onUSA decide to make a substitution, with Nick McCarthy getting some game time.
    46Substitution offUSA decide to make a substitution, with Ruben de Haas being replaced.
    46Conversion - KickedLuka Matkava adds the two points for Georgia.
    45Try - Passing MoveSlick passing by Georgia leads to a try for Davit Niniashvili.
    45Clean BreakDavit Niniashvili makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
    45Try AssistSpellbinding play by Luka Matkava is finished off with a try.
    40Substitution onUSA make a substitution with Paul Mullen coming on.
    40Substitution offUSA make a substitution with Kaleb Geiger coming off.
    40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
    42End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
    37Yellow cardSandro Todua (Georgia) is shown a yellow card
    32Substitution onDominic Besag comes on for USA.
    32Substitution offTommaso Boni leaves the field.
    32Conversion - KickedLuke Carty does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
    30Try - Passing MoveSilky skills by USA ends with a try for Ruben de Haas.
    30Try AssistSpellbinding play by Christian Dyer is finished off with a try.
    30Clean BreakTrouble here as Christian Dyer breaches the defence.
    28Conversion - KickedLuka Matkava makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
    27Try - Rolling maulIt's going to take a miracle to stop this Georgia miracles today as Shalva Mamukashvili powers over.
    24Substitution onGeorgia decide to make a substitution, with Giorgi Tsutskiridze getting some game time.
    24Substitution offGeorgia decide to make a substitution, with Otar Giorgadze being replaced.
    13Substitution onGeorgia sub Otar Giorgadze comes onto the field.
    13Substitution offGiorgi Tsutskiridze departs for Georgia.
    13Substitution onUSA sub Luke White comes onto the field.
    13Substitution offThomas Tu’avao departs for USA.
    11Conversion - Missed LeftLuka Matkava has hooked the conversion to the left of the posts.
    10Try - Passing MoveA series of passes by Georgia results in a try for Aka Tabutsadze
    10Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Aka Tabutsadze took full advantage.
    10Try AssistDavit Niniashvili played a key part in that try.
    0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.