Portugal vs USA

  • Time Sat, Aug 12, 2023, 8:00 PM
  • Location Estadio Do Algarve
  • Referee Paul Williams
  • Martins77'
  • Penalty Try68'
  • Marta64'
  • Pinto49'
  • Appleton35'
  • Marta30'
  • Moura16'
  • Penalty Try42'
  • Dolan21'
  • Sousa51'
  • Marques36'
  • Marques17'
  • Carty22'
  • Marques40'
Penalty Goals
  • Carty28'
  • Carty9'
21Defenders Beaten5
10Clean Breaks1
13Turnovers Conceded13
6Missed Tackles21
3Turnovers Won5
21Kicks in Play18
1/1Penalty Goals2/2
N/ADrop GoalsN/A
0Charged Down1
603Kick From Hand Metres461
13In Touch16
7Opponent Collection8
20Possession Lost23
7Possession Retained2
68Rucks Won56
1Rucks Lost3
98%Rucks Success Rate94%
8Mauls Won8
Set Plays
14Lineouts Won15
1Lineouts Lost4
93%Lineouts Success Rate78%
5Scrums Won5
5Scrums Lost0
50%Scrums Success Rate100%
51%First Half49%
60%Second Half40%
67%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins33%
13Penalties Conceded10
0Red Cards0
2Yellow Cards1
8Penalty Conceded Own Half5
Francisco Fernandes
1Francisco Fernandes
Jack Iscaro
1Jack Iscaro
Mike Tadjer
2Mike Tadjer
Dylan Fawsitt
2Dylan Fawsitt
Anthony Alves
3Anthony Alves
Kaleb Geiger
3Kaleb Geiger
Jose Madeira
4Jose Madeira
Cam Dolan
4Cam Dolan
Steevy Cerqueira
5Steevy Cerqueira
Greg Peterson
5Greg Peterson
Joao Granate
6Joao Granate
Sam Golla
6Sam Golla
Nicolas Martins
7Nicolas Martins
Paddy Ryan
7Paddy Ryan
Thibault de Freitas
8Thibault de Freitas
Luke White
8Luke White
Samuel Marques
9Samuel Marques
Nick McCarthy
9Nick McCarthy
Joris Moura
10Joris Moura
Luke Carty
10Luke Carty
Rodrigo Marta
11Rodrigo Marta
Nate Augspurger
11Nate Augspurger
Tomas Appleton
12Tomas Appleton
Tavite Lopeti
12Tavite Lopeti
Jose Lima
13Jose Lima
Mika Kruse
13Mika Kruse
Vincent Pinto
14Vincent Pinto
Christian Dyer
14Christian Dyer
Nuno Sousa Guedes
15Nuno Sousa Guedes
Mitch Wilson
15Mitch Wilson
David Costa
16David Costa
Peter Malcolm
16Peter Malcolm
Lionel Campergue
17Lionel Campergue
Jake Turnbull
17Jake Turnbull
Diogo Hasse Ferreira
18Diogo Hasse Ferreira
Paul Mullen
18Paul Mullen
Rafael Simoes
19Rafael Simoes
Thomas Tu'avao
19Thomas Tu'avao
David Wallis de Carvalho
20David Wallis de Carvalho
Vili Helu
20Vili Helu
Pedro Lucas
21Pedro Lucas
Ruben de Haas
21Ruben de Haas
Jeronimo Portela
22Jeronimo Portela
Chris Mattina
22Chris Mattina
Manuel Cardoso Pinto
23Manuel Cardoso Pinto
Lauina Futi
23Lauina Futi
Simon Mannix
Scott Lawrence
80End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
80Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Rodrigo Marta bursts through to advance the Portugal attack.
79Substitution onVili Helu comes on.
79Substitution offCam Dolan comes off.
78Conversion - Missed LeftPortugal go for goal with Nuno Sousa Guedes taking the conversion but their aim is not up to scratch as the ball slides to the left of the post.
77Try - Close rangePortugal are stopped just a few metres from the try line but Nicolas Martins picks up from the base of the ruck to score the try.
73Substitution onPortugal decide to make a substitution, with Pedro Lucas getting some game time.
73Substitution offPortugal decide to make a substitution, with Samuel Marques being replaced.
71Substitution onUSA decide to make a substitution, with Peter Malcolm getting some game time.
71Substitution offUSA decide to make a substitution, with Dylan Fawsitt being replaced.
70Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Nicolas Martins took full advantage.
69Substitution onPortugal make a substitution with Manuel Cardoso Pinto coming on.
69Substitution offPortugal make a substitution with Vincent Pinto coming off.
68Penalty TryIt was a certain try if Portugal hadn't been impeded, the referee agrees and awards the penalty try.
68Yellow cardChris Mattina (USA) is shown a yellow card
68Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Samuel Marques took full advantage.
66Substitution onUSA make a substitution with Jake Turnbull coming on.
66Substitution offUSA make a substitution with Jack Iscaro coming off.
66Substitution onUSA make a substitution with Ruben de Haas coming on.
66Substitution offUSA make a substitution with Nick McCarthy coming off.
65Conversion - Missed LeftSamuel Marques curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the left.
64Try - Individual effortA stunning solo try from Rodrigo Marta
63Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Rodrigo Marta goes through the gap.
63Try AssistSpellbinding play by Samuel Marques is finished off with a try.
61Substitution onUSA sub Thomas Tu'avao comes onto the field.
61Substitution offLuke White departs for USA.
59Substitution onChris Mattina comes on for USA.
59Substitution offMitch Wilson leaves the field.
59Substitution onDiogo Hasse Ferreira comes on for Portugal.
59Substitution offAnthony Alves leaves the field.
58Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Rodrigo Marta goes through the gap.
58Substitution onLauina Futi comes on for USA.
58Substitution offMika Kruse leaves the field.
58Substitution onDavid Costa comes on for Portugal.
58Substitution offFrancisco Fernandes leaves the field.
56Substitution onLionel Campergue comes on for Portugal.
56Substitution offMike Tadjer leaves the field.
54Substitution onJeronimo Portela comes on.
54Substitution offJoris Moura comes off.
51Conversion - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Nuno Sousa Guedes kicks the conversion.
49Try - From kickA clever kick there by Portugal allows Vincent Pinto to collect the ball and touch down for the try.
49Clean BreakVincent Pinto makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
49Try AssistJoris Moura sets up the try.
42Penalty TryThe referee has had enough, awarding the penalty try to USA.
42Yellow cardSamuel Marques (Portugal) is shown a yellow card
40Substitution onUSA make a substitution with Paul Mullen coming on.
40Substitution offKaleb Geiger departs for USA.
40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
40End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
40Penalty Goal - KickedSamuel Marques has kicked a penalty goal.
36Conversion - KickedSamuel Marques does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
35Try - Passing MoveIncisive passing by Portugal is finished off by Tomas Appleton, as they goes over for the try.
35Try AssistRafael Simoes sets up the try.
35Clean BreakFabulous play by Portugal has led to Rafael Simoes being able to wriggle through a gap.
31Conversion - Missed LeftPortugal go for goal with Samuel Marques taking the conversion but their aim is not up to scratch as the ball slides to the left of the post.
30Try - From kickA perfectly weighted kick allows Rodrigo Marta to score the try.
30Try AssistSpellbinding play by Nuno Sousa Guedes is finished off with a try.
30Clean BreakTrouble here as Nuno Sousa Guedes breaches the defence.
28Penalty Goal - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Luke Carty kicks the penalty goal.
27Yellow cardJoao Granate (Portugal) is shown a yellow card
23Substitution onPortugal decide to make a substitution, with David Wallis de Carvalho getting some game time.
23Substitution offPortugal decide to make a substitution, with Steevy Cerqueira being replaced.
22Conversion - KickedLuke Carty makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
21Try - Close rangeUSA are stopped just a few metres from the try line but Cam Dolan picks up from the base of the ruck to score the try.
21Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Sam Golla bursts through to advance the USA attack.
21Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Nuno Sousa Guedes bursts through to advance the Portugal attack.
17Conversion - KickedSamuel Marques converts the try.
16Try - Passing MoveA wonderful passing move by Portugal is finished off by Joris Moura
16Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Joris Moura bursts through to advance the Portugal attack.
16Try AssistSamuel Marques sets up the try.
16Substitution onPortugal make a substitution with Rafael Simoes coming on.
16Substitution offPortugal make a substitution with Thibault de Freitas coming off.
9Penalty Goal - KickedLuke Carty kicks the penalty.
0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.