USA vs Scotland

  • Time Fri, Jul 12, 2024, 10:30 PM
  • Location Audi Field
  • Referee Jordan Way
  • Boni31'
  • Fagerson73'
  • Horne49'
  • Ashman42'
  • Ashman25'
  • Ashman18'
  • van5'
  • MacGinty32'
  • Thompson73'
  • Hastings50'
  • Hastings44'
  • Hastings27'
  • Hastings20'
  • Hastings6'
8Defenders Beaten16
0Clean Breaks4
14Turnovers Conceded15
16Missed Tackles8
4Turnovers Won7
16Kicks in Play24
0/2Penalty GoalsN/A
N/ADrop GoalsN/A
0Charged Down0
468Kick From Hand Metres618
9In Touch24
9Opponent Collection15
18Possession Lost37
2Possession Retained3
53Rucks Won90
3Rucks Lost2
94%Rucks Success Rate97%
3Mauls Won11
Set Plays
9Lineouts Won18
1Lineouts Lost3
90%Lineouts Success Rate85%
9Scrums Won7
1Scrums Lost1
90%Scrums Success Rate87%
30%First Half70%
44%Second Half56%
68%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins32%
16Penalties Conceded8
0Red Cards0
1Yellow Cards0
8Penalty Conceded Own Half6
Jack Iscaro
1Jack Iscaro
Pierre Schoeman
1Pierre Schoeman
Dylan Fawsitt
2Dylan Fawsitt
Ewan Ashman
2Ewan Ashman
David Ainu'u
3David Ainu'u
Murphy Walker
3Murphy Walker
William Helu
4William Helu
Alex Craig
4Alex Craig
Greg Peterson
5Greg Peterson
Scott Cummings
5Scott Cummings
Sam Golla
6Sam Golla
Jamie Ritchie
6Jamie Ritchie
Paddy Ryan
7Paddy Ryan
Rory Darge
7Rory Darge (C)
Jamason Fa'anana-Schultz
8Jamason Fa'anana-Schultz
Matt Fagerson
8Matt Fagerson
Juan Philip Smith
9Juan Philip Smith
George Horne
9George Horne
AJ MacGinty
10AJ MacGinty
Adam Hastings
10Adam Hastings
Nate Augspurger
11Nate Augspurger
Duhan van der Merwe
11Duhan van der Merwe
Tommaso Boni
12Tommaso Boni
Sione Tuipulotu
12Sione Tuipulotu (C)
Tavite Lopeti
13Tavite Lopeti
Huw Jones
13Huw Jones
Conner Mooneyham
14Conner Mooneyham
Kyle Steyn
14Kyle Steyn
Luke Carty
15Luke Carty
Kyle Rowe
15Kyle Rowe
Kapeli Pifeleti
16Kapeli Pifeleti
Robbie Smith
16Robbie Smith
Jake Turnbull
17Jake Turnbull
Rory Sutherland
17Rory Sutherland
Paul Mullen
18Paul Mullen
Elliot Millar Mills
18Elliot Millar Mills
Saia Uhila
19Saia Uhila
Max Williamson
19Max Williamson
Benja Bonassoa
20Benja Bonassoa
Luke Crosbie
20Luke Crosbie
Ethan McVeigh
21Ethan McVeigh
Jamie Dobie
21Jamie Dobie
Bryce Campbell
22Bryce Campbell
Ross Thompson
22Ross Thompson
Mitch Wilson
23Mitch Wilson
Matt Currie
23Matt Currie
Scott Lawrence
Gregor Townsend
80End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
73Conversion - KickedRoss Thompson has kicked a conversion.
73Try - Close rangeMatt Fagerson scores the try from close range.
72Substitution onUSA decide to make a substitution, with Ethan McVeigh getting some game time.
72Substitution offUSA decide to make a substitution, with Juan Philip Smith being replaced.
68Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Kyle Steyn took full advantage.
67Substitution onScotland make a substitution with Matt Currie coming on.
67Substitution offScotland make a substitution with Huw Jones coming off.
63Substitution onUSA sub Bryce Campbell comes onto the field.
63Substitution offTavite Lopeti departs for USA.
63Substitution onUSA sub Saia Uhila comes onto the field.
63Substitution offVili Helu departs for USA.
63Substitution onScotland sub Luke Crosbie comes onto the field.
63Substitution offJamie Ritchie departs for Scotland.
58Substitution onRobbie Smith comes on for Scotland.
58Substitution offEwan Ashman leaves the field.
58Substitution onRoss Thompson comes on for Scotland.
58Substitution offAdam Hastings leaves the field.
58Substitution onMitch Wilson comes on for USA.
58Substitution offNate Augspurger leaves the field.
58Substitution onJamie Dobie comes on for Scotland.
58Substitution offGeorge Horne leaves the field.
57Substitution onBenja Bonassoa comes on for USA.
57Substitution offGreg Peterson leaves the field.
55Substitution onPaul Mullen comes on for USA.
55Substitution offDavid Ainu'u leaves the field.
55Substitution onKapeli Pifeleti comes on for USA.
55Substitution offDylan Fawsitt leaves the field.
55Substitution onJake Turnbull comes on for USA.
55Substitution offJack Iscaro leaves the field.
51Substitution onMax Williamson comes on.
51Substitution offAlex Craig comes off.
51Substitution onRory Sutherland comes on.
51Substitution offPierre Schoeman comes off.
50Substitution onElliot Millar Mills comes on.
50Substitution offMurphy Walker comes off.
50Conversion - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as Adam Hastings kicks the conversion.
49Try - Passing MoveSlick passing by Scotland leads to a try for George Horne.
49Try AssistKyle Rowe sets up the try.
49Clean BreakKyle Rowe makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
44End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
44Conversion - KickedAdam Hastings adds the two points for Scotland.
42Try - Rolling maulThe Scotland maul march their way over the white wash for Ewan Ashman to touch down.
37Penalty Goal - Missed LeftUSA decided to go for goal with Luke Carty taking the penalty goal but their aim is not up to scratch as the ball slides to the left of the post.
36Substitution onUSA sub Nate Augspurger comes onto the field.
36Substitution offPaul Mullen departs for USA.
32Conversion - KickedAJ MacGinty does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
31Try - Close rangeThe pressure has finally told as Tommaso Boni scores from close range.
31Try AssistSpellbinding play by Juan Philip Smith is finished off with a try.
30Substitution onPaul Mullen comes on for USA.
30Substitution offNate Augspurger leaves the field.
27Conversion - KickedAdam Hastings makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
25Try - Rolling maulIt's going to take a miracle to stop this Scotland miracles today as Ewan Ashman powers over.
25Yellow cardDavid Ainu'u (USA) is shown a yellow card
20Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Duhan van der Merwe bursts through to advance the Scotland attack.
20Conversion - KickedAdam Hastings makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
18Try - Close rangeScotland are stopped just a few metres from the try line but Ewan Ashman picks up from the base of the ruck to score the try.
16Penalty Goal - Missed RightAJ MacGinty takes the penalty but the ball didn't come round, staying right of the posts.
6Conversion - KickedAdam Hastings has kicked a conversion.
5Try - Passing MoveGreat hands by Scotland leads to a try for Duhan van der Merwe
5Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Duhan van der Merwe goes through the gap.
5Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Adam Hastings.
0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.