Spain vs USA

  • Time Sat, Nov 23, 2024, 11:45 AM
  • Location Estadio Nacional Complutense
  • Referee Saba Abulashvili
  • Cian68'
  • Nieto60'
  • Saleta10'
  • Lopeti54'
  • O'Keeffe45'
  • Lopeti30'
  • Augspurger21'
  • Vinuesa11'
  • MacGinty55'
  • MacGinty31'
  • MacGinty21'
  • Vinuesa50'
  • Vinuesa16'
Penalty Goals
    16Defenders Beaten28
    7Clean Breaks6
    7Turnovers Conceded16
    28Missed Tackles16
    6Turnovers Won2
    29Kicks in Play26
    2/2Penalty GoalsN/A
    N/ADrop GoalsN/A
    0Charged Down3
    897Kick From Hand Metres622
    10In Touch12
    21Opponent Collection12
    31Possession Lost25
    2Possession Retained7
    69Rucks Won106
    2Rucks Lost5
    97%Rucks Success Rate95%
    2Mauls Won7
    Set Plays
    6Lineouts Won13
    2Lineouts Lost1
    75%Lineouts Success Rate92%
    8Scrums Won2
    2Scrums Lost0
    80%Scrums Success Rate100%
    40%First Half60%
    46%Second Half54%
    23%Ball Possession Last 10 Mins77%
    10Penalties Conceded7
    0Red Cards0
    0Yellow Cards2
    6Penalty Conceded Own Half4
    Bernardo Vazquez
    1Bernardo Vazquez
    Jake Turnbull
    1Jake Turnbull
    Santiago Ovejero
    2Santiago Ovejero
    Kapeli Pifeleti
    2Kapeli Pifeleti
    Lucas Santamaria
    3Lucas Santamaria
    Paul Mullen
    3Paul Mullen
    Brice Ferrer
    4Brice Ferrer
    Jason Damm
    4Jason Damm
    Asier Usarraga
    5Asier Usarraga
    Greg Peterson
    5Greg Peterson (C)
    Ignacio Pineiro
    6Ignacio Pineiro (C)
    Vili Helu
    6Vili Helu
    Alex Saleta
    7Alex Saleta
    Cory Daniel
    7Cory Daniel
    Raphael Nieto
    8Raphael Nieto
    Paddy Ryan
    8Paddy Ryan
    Estanislao Bay
    9Estanislao Bay
    Ruben de Haas
    9Ruben de Haas
    Gonzalo Vinuesa
    10Gonzalo Vinuesa
    AJ MacGinty
    10AJ MacGinty
    Martiniano Cian
    11Martiniano Cian
    Nate Augspurger
    11Nate Augspurger
    Alvar Gimeno
    12Alvar Gimeno
    Tavite Lopeti
    12Tavite Lopeti
    Alejandro Alonso
    13Alejandro Alonso
    Dominic Besag
    13Dominic Besag
    Gauthier Minguillon
    14Gauthier Minguillon
    Mark O'Keeffe
    14Mark O'Keeffe
    Alberto Carmona
    15Alberto Carmona
    Erich Storti
    15Erich Storti
    Vicente del Hoyo
    16Vicente del Hoyo
    Sean McNulty
    16Sean McNulty
    Thierry Futeu
    17Thierry Futeu
    Jack Iscaro
    17Jack Iscaro
    Hugo Gonzalez
    18Hugo Gonzalez
    Pono Davis
    18Pono Davis
    Matheo Triki
    19Matheo Triki
    Tomas Casares
    19Tomas Casares
    Ekain Imaz
    20Ekain Imaz
    Moni Tonga'uiha
    20Moni Tonga'uiha
    Kerman Aurrekoetxea
    21Kerman Aurrekoetxea
    Ethan McVeigh
    21Ethan McVeigh
    Gonzalo Lopez Bontempo
    22Gonzalo Lopez Bontempo
    Noah Brown
    22Noah Brown
    Pau Aira
    23Pau Aira
    Luke Carty
    23Luke Carty
    Pablo Bouza
    Scott Lawrence
    80End Of Second HalfIt's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
    78Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Hugo Gonzalez bursts through to advance the Spain attack.
    77Substitution onSean McNulty comes on.
    77Substitution offKapeli Pifeleti comes off.
    69Substitution onSpain make a substitution with Vicente del Hoyo coming on.
    69Substitution offSpain make a substitution with Santiago Ovejero coming off.
    69Substitution onUSA make a substitution with Tomas Casares coming on.
    69Substitution offUSA make a substitution with Vili Helu coming off.
    69Substitution onUSA make a substitution with Noah Brown coming on.
    69Substitution offUSA make a substitution with Mark O'Keeffe coming off.
    69Conversion - Missed LeftGonzalo Vinuesa curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the left.
    68Try - Passing MoveA series of passes by Spain results in a try for Martiniano Cian
    68Try AssistThat's a great try assist by Alvar Gimeno.
    66Substitution onUSA make a substitution with Ethan McVeigh coming on.
    66Substitution offUSA make a substitution with Ruben de Haas coming off.
    64Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Matheo Triki goes through the gap.
    61Conversion - Missed LeftGonzalo Vinuesa curls the ball too far, missing the posts to the left.
    60Try - Close rangeSpain are only a few metres out, surely they must score! And they do with Raphael Nieto touching down.
    60Try AssistSpellbinding play by Kerman Aurrekoetxea is finished off with a try.
    60Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Matheo Triki goes through the gap.
    58Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Gonzalo Lopez Bontempo goes through the gap.
    56Clean BreakWhat a run here by Ekain Imaz as they get over the gainline!
    55Substitution onEkain Imaz comes on for Spain.
    55Substitution offAlex Saleta leaves the field.
    55Substitution onHugo Gonzalez comes on for Spain.
    55Substitution offLucas Santamaria leaves the field.
    55Conversion - KickedThe touch judges raise their flags as AJ MacGinty kicks the conversion.
    54Substitution onMatheo Triki comes on.
    54Substitution offBrice Ferrer comes off.
    54Try - Passing MoveA penetrating move by USA results in a try for Tavite Lopeti.
    54Try AssistThat's a great try assist by AJ MacGinty.
    52Substitution onPono Davis comes on.
    52Substitution offPaul Mullen comes off.
    52Substitution onJack Iscaro comes on.
    52Substitution offJake Turnbull comes off.
    52Substitution onGonzalo Lopez Bontempo comes on.
    52Substitution offAlejandro Alonso comes off.
    51Clean BreakWhat a run here by Jason Damm as they get over the gainline!
    51Substitution onThierry Futeu comes on.
    51Substitution offBernardo Vazquez comes off.
    50Penalty Goal - KickedGonzalo Vinuesa does the business as their penalty goal attempt goes over.
    48Yellow cardCory Daniel (USA) is shown a yellow card
    46Substitution onSpain decide to make a substitution, with Kerman Aurrekoetxea getting some game time.
    46Substitution offSpain decide to make a substitution, with Estanislao Bay being replaced.
    46Conversion - Hit Right PostThe right post denies AJ MacGinty from adding the extras.
    45Try - From kickA clever kick there by USA allows Mark O'Keeffe to collect the ball and touch down for the try.
    45Try AssistSpellbinding play by Ruben de Haas is finished off with a try.
    43Clean BreakTavite Lopeti makes the break as the defence re-enacts the parting of the red sea.
    40Clean BreakFabulous play by Spain has led to Gauthier Minguillon being able to wriggle through a gap.
    40Start Of Second HalfThe second half kicks off.
    40End Of First HalfThe half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
    31Conversion - KickedAJ MacGinty does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
    30Try - Passing MoveSilky skills by USA ends with a try for Tavite Lopeti.
    30Try AssistSpellbinding play by Nate Augspurger is finished off with a try.
    30Clean BreakTrouble here as Kapeli Pifeleti breaches the defence.
    21Conversion - KickedAJ MacGinty makes no mistake with that conversion attempt.
    21Try - Passing MoveA wonderful passing move by USA is finished off by Nate Augspurger
    21Clean BreakThis is dangerous for the defence as Nate Augspurger bursts through to advance the USA attack.
    20Try AssistThat's a great try assist by AJ MacGinty.
    16Penalty Goal - KickedGonzalo Vinuesa does the business as their penalty goal attempt goes over.
    13Clean BreakA gap opened in the defence and Alejandro Alonso took full advantage.
    11Conversion - KickedGonzalo Vinuesa converts the try.
    10Try - Close rangeAlex Saleta scores the try from close range.
    6Yellow cardGreg Peterson (USA) is shown a yellow card
    6Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as Mark O'Keeffe goes through the gap.
    0Clean BreakThe defensive line has been broken as AJ MacGinty goes through the gap.
    0Start Of First HalfWe are underway as the referee blows their whistle.